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Unshakable Assurance

There are many great chapters in the Bible. If we wanted to discuss creation we would study Genesis 1-2. 5. If we wanted to study about beginning of the church we would study Acts 2. If we wanted to talk about love we would study I Corinthians 13. If we wanted to talk about resurrection we would study I Corinthians 15. If we wanted to talk about faith we would read Hebrews 11. However, if we wanted to discuss riches of the child of God we would study Romans 8.

Romans 8:1-2 starts by saying, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who[a] do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

The story is told about a woman named Bertha Adams. She died at 71 years old and weighed only 50 pounds. She begged door-to-door for food. She obtained clothes from the Salvation Army. On April 5, 1975 she died of malnutrition in West Palm Beach FL. People were shocked to learn that she left a fortune behind of over $800,000 in cash and many shares of stock.

Do you think she was foolish? Many Christians are just as foolish. Our wealth is in Christ. Many never know it, or consider it, or share it!

Romans 8 is called the “highest mountain peak in all realm of God’s revelation.” It outlines assurance which belongs to all Christians. Do you have this unshakable assurance? What are you doing with it?

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