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Marriage is one of the most joyous blessings bestowed on us. It is an opportunity to create a covenant that forms the foundation of a loving family. But marriage also comes with particular challenges, and dealing with a difficult relationship has almost become the norm. Regardless of what is happening in marriages around you, having faith, hope and love is still possible.


The past few decades have seen the strong bonds that joined traditional families starting to change. Divorce has become common, and the keys to a good marriage are increasingly becoming objects of ridicule. In short, what was once considered God’s design for marriage according to biblical teachings and traditions has become a deviation from the norms of modern society.

Divorces are issued with little or no regard for children who most of the time are the victims. Witness to unsteady relationships followed by a total separation, these young innocents can feel neglected, torn, and heartbroken. They can also go through a process of self-blame and introversion.

The rhetoric continues to shift surrounding single parenting too. Single parents are now viewed as strong and independent while married women are seen as subordinates and dependents. If you fall under the latter category, chances are that the question “how to have a Godly relationship with my husband” while still conforming to societal expectations has crossed your mind a few times.


According to the Book of Genesis, God created man and woman in His image and placed them in the Garden of Eden and told them to multiply and fill the earth. From the onset, you can infer God’s plan for a man and a woman: to live and have children as a family rather than live separately. Matthew 19:4-6 reaffirms this. God also speaks His mind about divorce in Malachi 2:16 where He expresses His hate for divorce.

According to Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus Christ in his teaching about divorce gave only one condition as a ground for divorce, and that is adultery. The grounds for divorce according to biblical teaching is avoidable, and as a Christian, you are not expected to be involved in sexual sin. However, when dealing with a difficult relationship, it is easy to fall into temptation.

The good news is that in this digital era, there are many lessons about faith hope and love to help you manage a difficult relationship to avoid divorce, and maintain the sacredness of marriage as God planned it.


God did not create man to be alone in this life, nor does He intend for families to break up. What establishes a good marriage is, therefore, following through the teachings of God and taking steps to maintain a healthy marriage. According to Genesis 2:24, God’s intention is for a man and a woman to leave their parents when they become of age, and start a family.

The wording of this verse points to a strong bond that should never be broken. It says a man and a woman shall join in marriage to become one flesh or one body. It follows then that the body cannot later be dismembered for each partner to go their separate ways.


The internet has great resources to help you build a strong, lasting marriage full of love and prosperity. It offers you encouragement and practical guides on becoming a better spouse, especially when dealing with a difficult relationship with your better half. We recommend searching for podcasts from our own Billy Lambert and Ray Reynolds. There are dozens of podcasts that deal with this specific subject.

“Best Husband Ever” by Matthew Morine of Castle Rock is a great resource for this. It is for husbands who want to learn more about having a godly relationship with their wives. The book naturally combines your responsibilities as a husband, a father, a worker, and a Christian. “Five Steps to a Better Marriage” from House to House Heart to Heart (HTH) is another great source for insights on how to build a strong marriage anchored on God’s design for families.


If you would like more information on how to deal with a difficult relationship or if you are looking for lessons about faith hope and love online, please contact us today at 1-877-711-5214, and let us help you fulfill God’s purpose in your marriage.

May the Lord bless you and keep you!


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