We welcome you to our blog page. Billy Lambert will be sharing insight from God’s word on this page. Getting To Know Your Bible is a nationally televised series sponsored by the churches of Christ. We also have podcasts available to listen or download via Anchor and Spotify. Listen here: https://anchor.fm/gtkyb
We have many study tools on our website at www.gettingtoknowyourbible.com. We offer a FREE Bible correspondence course and check out our YouTube channel to see all the latest shows. Our goal is to encourage you to get to know your Bible.
Have you watched Getting To Know Your Bible? Please check us out on Dish Network or Direct TV. Click here to find out where you can watch in your area. Our goal is to encourage you to get to know your Bible. #TelevisionMinistry #spreadthegospel
Getting To Know Your Bible blogs are available on Spaces by WIX, the GTKYB social media pages, and on our website. Follow along with Billy's weekly posts and be encouraged. #billylambert #encouragement
We are excited to announce that we have three FREE books on our webpage! These books are helpful Bible study aids written by Billy Lambert. They are sure to be a blessing to you. Download, share, and follow us on our social media sites. To God be the glory! https://www.gettingtoknowyourbible.com/free-study-helps
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Please check out the following websites: Getting To Know Your Bible (www.gettingtoknowyourbible.com) and Summerdale Church of Christ (www.summerdalechurch.org).